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Monkfish on mango and leek

Category Fish & seafood

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  • 35 minutes
  1. 800 g monkfish
  2. 1 tbs lime juice
  3. salt
  4. 250 g leek
  5. 1 mango
  6. 1 small red chili
  7. 200 g bamboo shoots (canned)
  8. 30 g pickled sushi ginger

1. If necessary, remove the thin grey skin from the monkfish. Cut the fish fillet into bite-sized pieces.

2. Drizzle the fish with lime juice and lightly salt.

3. Clean the leek and cut into rings. Peel the mango, remove the pulp from the pit and dice.

4. Core and finely cut the chili drain the bamboo sprouts.

5. Put the wet leek and two-thirds of the diced mango in the pot, spread the chili, shoots and pieces of fish over top.

6. Heat the pot on highest level up to the vegetable window, switch to a low level and cook for approx. 10 minutes in the vegetable area.

7. Finely dice the pickled ginger, carefully fold in with the remaining diced mango. Season to taste with salt and pepper.


  • Sushi ginger is available in well-stocked supermarkets or in Asian shops.

This recipe has been tested and approved by AMC.

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