Company Information

AMC International, Alfa Metalcraft Corp. AG is part of the AMC Group, located in Rotkreuz/Switzerland.


AMC International

Alfa Metalcraft Corp. AG

Buonaserstrasse 30

6343 Rotkreuz


How to contact us

Phone: 041 799 52 22 


Responsible for the content:

AMC International

Concept, design and programming

dplusc neue medien GmbH 

Willy-Brandt-Platz 1a | 86153 Augsburg | Germany 



Texts, pictures and other information published in the website – unless otherwise indicated  -  come under the copyright of AMC International, Rotkreuz/Switzerland. Any storage, reproduction or transfer of the contents, even in part, is permitted only with the written approval by AMC International, Rotkreuz/Switzerland.

The disclaimer also holds good for the fan page on Facebook