AMC Premium

Deep-fried tortellini

Category Noodles, rice, potatoes & legumes

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  • 15 minutes
  1. 250 g tortellini (store-bought)
  2. 400 ml oil for deep-frying
  3. salt, pepper
  4. AMC Rustico

1. Carefully separate tortellini that have stuck together, being careful not to damage them.

2. Add oil to pan, heat the pan on highest level up to the roasting window, switch to medium level and add tortellini to hot oil.

3. Deep-fry until the turning point is reached. Turn the tortellini and deep-fry them without lid until golden.

4. Allow tortellini to drain on paper towel. Season with salt, pepper and AMC Rustico and serve.

This recipe has been tested and approved by AMC.

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