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Spaghetti with meatballs

Category Noodles, rice, potatoes & legumes

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  • 40 minutes
  1. 1 clove of garlic
  2. 1 shallot
  3. 100 g zucchini
  4. 300 g minced beef
  5. 1 egg
  6. 2 tbs breadcrumbs
  7. salt, pepper
  8. spicy paprika powder (or AMC Intenso)
  9. 600 ml vegetable broth
  10. 500 g sieved tomatoes (canned)
  11. 100 ml cream
  12. 300 g spaghetti
  13. 50 g rocket
  14. 100 g cocktail tomatoes
  15. 50 g grated Parmesan

1. Peel and mince the garlic and shallot. Clean the zucchini and then grate or chop very finely. Knead all the ingredients together with the minced meat, egg and breadcrumbs, then season to taste.

2. Shape around 15 small meatballs out of the mixture.

3. Heat the pan at highest level up to the roasting window, then switch to a low level and add the meatballs. Cook until it is time to flip. Flip, then cook the other side until it is cooked through.

4. Add the broth and pureed tomatoes and season. Place the spaghetti inside and use a fork to spread it around and coat it evenly with the sauce. Add a dash of cream to finish.

5. Heat the pan at highest level up to the vegetable window, switch to a low level and cook for approx. 10 minutes in the vegetable area.

6. Tear the rocket into large pieces. Clean the cocktail tomatoes and halve or quarter them.

7. Mix the spaghetti together well. Garnish with the rocket, Parmesan and cocktail tomatoes, then serve.

This recipe has been tested and approved by AMC.

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