bell pepper


Bell pepper comes in many colours which gives an indication of the degree of ripeness. In the unripe state, they are all green and then the colour changes to yellow, then orange and finally red. The redder the bell pepper, the sweeter is the taste. But they all have one thing in common: several vitamins and few calories due to their high water content. Bell pepper tastes delicious in salads, as cooked vegetable and also with meat and vegetable stuffing. The optimal storage is at 8-10 °C in a dark place.

bell pepper

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size 100 g

Amount Per Serving
Kilocalories 19.00
Fat 0.20 g
Carbohydrate 2.90 g
Dietary Fibre 2.00 g
Protein 1.10 g
Water 93.00 g